  • 클립스의 전매니저 32년형을 받았습니다.
    사도 | 2010-01-18 | 7,203 Reads | 0 Thumb Up
    The gavel has come down hard for Clipse former manager, Anthony Gonzalez, as he was sentenced to 32 years behind bars on Monday.

    Admitting to his participation as the leader of a drug ring that accumulated $20 million, Gonzalez, 34, received the minimum sentence based off of federal guidelines with it being partially credited to the fact that he was cooperative with the government along with the fact that his past criminal record was not outstanding.

    Based on his cooperation once behind bars, he may find his prison sentence lowered even more.

    As the leader of the organization, Gonzalez stated that he ran things primarily from Encore Lounge, a nightclub located in Virginia Beach, which has since then been shut down.  His dealings in narcotics have been tied in connection with Tim Montgomery, an Olympic gold medalist, and Marlon Reed, former Bloods gang leader.

    In his five year stint, prosecutors were able to find him responsible behind the distribution of over half a ton of cocaine, a ton of marijuana and hundreds of pounds in heroin that circulated throughout the region.

    Known for his involvement within the community, many were in disbelief that Gonzalez engaged in such activity.

       “These are obviously staggering amounts of drugs,” said Assistant U.S. Attorney Darryl Mitchell.  “One can only imagine what that's done to the community.”

    Now that his life has caught up with him, he can only look around and realize his misfortune and deal with the consequences ahead of him.

    “I just want to say that I'm sorry to my family and I'm sorry to the community,” Gonzalez said to the U.S. District Judge Jerome B. Friedman.

    Lawrence H. Woodward Jr, the attorney for Gonzalez, even added that he was very intelligent and unfortunately didn't utilize his potential to be successful in a more positive lane.

    “It's always puzzling and sad when someone with that ability doesn't use it for constructive purposes,” Woodward said.

    He added that although his client lived a fast and luxurious life, Gonzalez knew that one day the tides would eventually turn and he would find himself behind a prison wall or dead.

    Walking away in handcuffs, Gonzalez was given support with around 40 people filling the courtroom and some saying “We love you.”

    요약하자면 클립스 전매니져는 정말 어마어마한 규모의 (톤단위!!) 마약을 미국내에서 움직였었다고 하네요.
    클립스가 항상 마약에 대해서 하던소리는 장난이 아니었던게 되네요 ㄷㄷㄷ


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      1. 손명환 (2010-01-19 04:39:11, 211.104.204.**) 삭제하기
      2. 이정도였구나 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
      1. Amy (2010-01-19 02:26:24, 24.4.16.**) 삭제하기
      2. 그렇긴 한데 그래도 그냥 자랑하는 건줄 알았지 진짜 저정도였을 줄은.ㅋㅋㅋ
      1. 낙타얼굴사냥시즌 (2010-01-18 23:56:34, 216.114.194.***) 삭제하기
      2. 클립스가 노래가사에서 너무 힌트를 많이준것 같아서 매니저가 걸릴만도했었던걸로--; coke money turned rap money 혹은 Bitch I sell caine !!! 등등등...
      1. songsl (2010-01-18 23:00:27, 123.98.166.***) 삭제하기
      2. 톤 단위까지는 아니고 500kg이 넘는(over half a ton of)양이군요. 그래도 대단하네요 @@
      1. 쏘싸 (2010-01-18 20:49:05, 112.155.108.**) 삭제하기
      2. 우와..톤단위면 얼마나 많은거지? 5톤트럭 몇차에 가득실은 정도인가
      1. dafro (2010-01-18 20:19:29, 180.69.8.**) 삭제하기
      2. 으엌ㅋㅋㅋㅋ장난아니네요...
      1. 송석근 (2010-01-18 20:17:28, 210.20.98.***) 삭제하기
      2. 오 리얼G...톤단위라니...뉴스보니Kg수도 억단위라고 나오던데...이건 당연히 FBI가 움직이겠군요
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