    비파울 | 2011-04-08 | 9,067 Reads | 0 Thumb Up
    미국에 인기가 많아요.

    BEWARE. These videos are harsh.

    He was only 16 years old, 년, when this was made.

    New album coming out in May.


    Scrap This!

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      1. ASSBEE (2011-04-18 10:41:30, 211.195.119.**)
      2. 완전 개 프맄쇼
      1. Atee, the Beautiful (2011-04-13 14:48:28, 123.111.199.**)
      2. 오드퓨쳐중에서 유일하게 술 마약안하는사람이 타일러래요 ㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷ
      1. 누에군 (2011-04-11 01:48:51, 59.6.226.***)
      2. 2번째 좋네요
        연기도 잘하고 목소리도 좋고
      1. PROBE (2011-04-10 23:28:24, 110.9.134.**)
      2. 첫번째 껀 혐오스러워서 손이 잘 안 가는데 두 번째 껀 들으면 들을 수록 좋네
      1. 최규승 (2011-04-10 16:17:23, 118.32.89.**)
      2. Tyler the creator 는 저에게 약간의 새로운 충격이였어요. French도 좋더라구요! OFWGKTA 좀 똘끼 기질이 있지만 재밌는 팀인거같습니다!
      1. 비파울 (2011-04-09 22:45:59, 122.202.172.***)
      2. I guess you could compare them to Wu in the sense that they are a collective with a leader and a brand new sound and style. OFWGKTA have the first original sound that has become somewhat popular with mainstream rap audiences in a looooooong time. They definitely do have the hipster aesthetic, and hipsters love them. They're putting in a lot of work though with most of their music being free and some of the best around today.
      1. 우나무노 (2011-04-09 18:49:42, 222.120.155.***)
      2. i heard only Tyler, Earl, Mellowhype and they're all quiet good. but seriously, is OFWG new Wu or just a bunch of hipster rappers who got too much hype from pitchfork like Lil B? OFWG is far better than Lil B, though.
      1. unluckyg (2011-04-09 02:19:28, 220.93.77.***)
      2. 토끼님 댓글에서 뿜었네요
      1. Justin (2011-04-09 01:18:03, 211.172.75.***)
      2. 제꺼 어디 틀렸나요 알지를 못하겠으니 원
      1. unluckyg (2011-04-09 00:21:44, 220.93.77.***)
      2. wtf.. is it real?
      1. ymin (2011-04-08 23:33:11, 180.224.183.***)
      2. 얘네좀짱. woodie awards에서 공연한거 보셨어요?
      1. Justin (2011-04-08 23:05:59, 211.172.75.***)
      2. Holy sh*t!!
        i hope dat eating bug thing is just kinda gimmic....
      1. PROBE (2011-04-08 19:34:37, 110.9.134.**)
      2. just wonder whether the first is fake or real.
      1. 비파울 (2011-04-08 13:14:07, 211.184.203.***)
      2. I don't know what drugs they did. 약 하고 마약 하고 술 하고 섞었어요.
      1. PROBE (2011-04-08 03:53:33, 110.9.134.**)
      2. One of the freakiest thing i have seen ever.. I can't understand why he pull out his nail n teeth.. What kind of drugs they do in the first vid?
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