  • [REMIX.] Fuck Valentine's Day
    Changstarr | 2015-02-15 | 8,545 Reads | 0 Thumb Up
    Electric Relaxation Remix - Changstarr


    Hey shawty, I've been lookin' at you from the back 

    ass movin', groovy함에서 느꼈네 

    너도 눈길 줬지아까  쪽에서

    so let's boogie, boogie on and on?

     친군 친구와 둘이 보내고 

    why don't you and I move it all night long?

    연상인지 연하인지 내가 알바야

    girl, 'Age Ain't Nothin' But a Number,' yo

    You are 'One in a Million,' just like Aaliyah,

    and I ain't no R Kelly, so don't worry about it.

    몇명이랑 왔는지는 중요하지 않아,

    어차피 모두  느끼는 , yeah 나의 vibe 

     클럽은 정글수컷들은 달려들겠지

    미친개들한테 잘못 물림 걸리는 rabies 

    반면에  천연해... 진돗개지 

    plus I'm mad smooth with the beautiful ladies 

    so 같이 만들어볼래우월한 babies? 

    아님 애기 대신 love--why don't we make it? 


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